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The Museo Nacional del Prado acquires an excellent work by Paolo de San Leocadio

Thanks to the support of American Friends of the Prado Museum


The Agony in the Garden, a work of incomparable technique, with a landscape of such chromatic richness that refers to works by Mantenga in the 50s.

The inclusion of this painting to the Prados collection increases to four the number of works held in the museum: The Virgin of the Knight of Montesa, acquired in 1919 by public subscription, and the panels, The Mater Dolorosa and The Saviour, that joined the Prado thanks to the Bosch legacy.

The Museo Nacional del Prado has recently acquired a new painting by Paolo de San Leocadio, an Italian painter that developped his career mainly in Valencia, and who contributed to the introduction of the Renaissance in the city.

This Agony in the Garden, oil on panel 161 x 121.5 cm, has been acquired for 600.000 euros at the Bernat Gallery. American Friends of the Prado Museum has contributed with 300.000, 50% of the total cost.