75% of Cloud Developers Would Switch Cloud Providers


 Fully three-quarters of software developers working in a cloud environment would consider moving to a new cloud for development according to Evans Data’s recently released survey of cloud developers. Of those three-quarters, 43% would “definitely” be willing to move to a new cloud for their development efforts while 32% would “probably” consider the change.

When it came to cloud deployments, however, developers were less keen. Only 28% would definitely be willing to switch, while 35% would probably consider it. Thirty-seven percent would probably or definitely not consider it. While various difficulties may arise from switching cloud providers, including database lock-ins and dealing with unique hardware characteristics and configurations, a top reason for developers is the need to rework their codebases. Sixty-three percent said their codebase would need significant rework if it were to be moved to a new cloud provider. In fact, nearly all codebases would need some rework, as only 4% of developers cited that no rework would be needed in moving to a new cloud environment. The larger and older codebases of more established companies likely require the most rework.

The survey provided a margin of error of 4.8% and was conducted in September of this year. It examined various aspects of cloud development including multi-cloud configurations, cloud migration, data centers, AI in the cloud, and security among other topics. It found that the top reasons developers would migrate to another cloud are related to faster performance, better vendor supplied databases, and better tech support. Security can also be an issue. Developers faulted their current service providers for not supplying specific security tools.

Evans Data Corp’s biannual Cloud Development survey provides fresh data on current Cloud development topics. Covering a wide array of current topics ranging from AI and machine learning in the cloud, Kubernetes and microservices, orchestration, multi and hybrid cloud, data centers, and much more the survey offers a comprehensive insight into the evolving cloud development landscape. For an in-depth view of the topics addressed, view the full table of contents and more at https://evansdata.com/cloud.

Press and bloggers contact aakau@evansdata.com for more information and statistics.

About Evans Data Corporation
Evans Data Corporation provides regularly updated IT industry market intelligence based on in-depth surveys of the global developer population. Evans’ syndicated research includes surveys focused on developers in a wide variety of subjects.

Evans Data Corporation
Ashley Akau



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