Scary Final Warning’s Halloween Release


Halloween is a mildly scary holiday, but it springs from an old Celtic holiday bound up with ghosts, death, prophecy, and the supernatural, says David Drum. Final Warning is humorous and fun to read, but its scary side is the threat of a dangerous new technology capable of killing millions of people.

Setting nuclear war aside, what could be as scary as a new technology that could wipe out all life on earth, backed by a corporate titan determined to wring every dime of profit out of it, no matter what the future cost to human life? the author asks.

The plot of Final Warning also involves Neanderthals, aliens who come to earth with machines that foretell the future, a character who returns from the dead, and a supernatural wiccan love triangle.

Two thousand years ago, Drum notes, the Celtic holiday Samhein , a forerunner of Halloween, marked the night when winter began. Celts believed the boundary between the living and the dead blurred on that night, so they wore costumes and lit huge bonfires to ward off ghosts. It was believed the presence of spirits also helped Celtic priests called Druids prophesy the future.

We live in an era when new technologies are being developed so rapidly they have the potential to overwhelm our civilization. At its heart, Final Warning is a cautionary tale against the very real dangers of technological over-reach.

According to the books publisher, Burning Books Press, Final Warning: Return of the Neanderthals will be released through Amazon and other vendors on October 31, Halloween. A 284-page paperback is priced at $14.95, and Kindle e-book $4.95. ISBN # 978-0-9911857-8-8.

Website for the book is

Burning Books Press is a small publisher founded in 1984. The press is based in Los Angeles.
