Mitsuharu Group Experiences Increased Demand in the Trading of Metal Products


The Mitsuharu Group completed a long time of platform operations without a technical break and celebrated another launch anniversary. A growing number of private individuals and businesses from across the globe are exchanging a wide variety of goods through Mitsuharu Group.
The platform gives interested parties the chance to create a more effective workflow and allows them to finalize their contracts online. The performance of the multi-delivery function, which was well received by users and was utilized by traders to finish their contracts exclusively over Mitsuharu Group, is another development.

“We are working with parties who have a solid understanding of the nature of the business goal they are seeking to attain. We are looking for effective cooperation. The considerable increase can be credited to a group of specialists who share the same vision for developing a digital marketplace that helps an industry become more productive, said Miura Ken, Global Head of Commodities at Mitsuharu Group.

Trading players continue to gain from Mitsuharu Group: buyers are using contemporary technologies to track the purchasing process and connect with suppliers globally, while sellers are able to lower their customer acquisition costs and streamline internal processes. Mitsuharu Group moves the traditional metal sector into the digital age and lowers transaction costs for market users through increased operational efficiency.

About Mitsuharu Group
Mitsuharu Group is a global investment services provider that offers a variety of financial solutions, including planning, development, and investing methods. Our insights into creative investing and asset preservation are defined by proprietary research, a collaborative culture, and a wealth of expertise. To identify the most attractive prospects with portfolios that differ considerably from benchmarks, we conduct an in-depth, on-the-ground fundamental analysis. From a long-term standpoint, our consistent attention, focus, and track record have been validated through numerous market cycles. Our collaboration and teamwork are embodied in our open office space, which also promotes transparency and diversity of view to help us make the best decisions possible. Mitsuharu Group works to match the core tenets of the business’ investment philosophy with the unique requirements of its clients for the expansion of their wealth.
