Franklin D. Azar & Associates Sponsors a National Blood Donation


Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets. Donors of all blood types are urgently needed, especially platelet donors and type O blood donors. To help address this national need, the Franklin D. Azar & Associates law firm sponsored a Virtual Blood Drive from September 11 to September 17. with Vitalant Blood Donation centers across Colorado.

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets. The American Red Cross’ national blood supply has been at a critically low level since August 2023. In fact, levels have dropped nearly 25%, threatening the medical care of patients with an immediate need for blood and those living with critical conditions who depend on lifesaving blood transfusions. Donors of all blood types are urgently needed, especially platelet donors and type O blood donors.

To help address this national need, the Franklin D. Azar & Associates law firm sponsored a Virtual Blood Drive from September 11 to September 17. with Vitalant Blood Donation centers across Colorado.

“We encourage the community to pledge. One single blood donation can help save up to three lives,” said a representative o[ALS1] f Franklin D. Azar & Associates. “We’re looking forward to seeing the community support for this blood drive.”

The blood donation drive adhered to all safety guidelines and protocols recommended by health authorities to ensure the well-being of donors and volunteers. Strict measures were in place to maintain physical distancing, sanitation, and mask-wearing as appropriate. Available locations included Vitalant blood donation sites in Denver, Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, Greeley, Westminster, Boulder, Golden, Highlands Ranch, Littleton, and Parker. Donation sites were open on weekdays and weekends.[ALS2] [ALS3]

The Colorado law firm also encouraged people to share the link with family and friends so they could also donate lifesaving blood to patients in need. This initiative underscores the firm’s dedication to positively impacting the well-being of local communities and emphasizes the importance of giving back.

“We want to encourage people in our community to contribute to the critically low levels of the national blood supply. Donating blood helps people injured in accidents, undergoing medical treatments, and battling blood diseases,” said a representative of Franklin D. Azar & Associates. “We want to do our best to help those in need.”

Franklin D. Azar & Associates is known for its commitment to excellence, legal expertise, and community involvement. The firm has a long-standing tradition of supporting local charitable initiatives and fostering a spirit of giving back to the community. The Colorado law firm has helped thousands of injured people obtain complete and timely compensation for their losses. The personal injury legal team has a proven track record and expertise in serious injury cases. Thus, they are one of the largest and most trusted legal firms and advocates in Colorado. They have offices in Denver, Aurora, Thornton, Fort Collins, Greeley, Grand Junction, Colorado Springs, and Pueblo.

Those who have been injured in a bus, car, truck, or motorcycle accident, may be entitled to compensation. The car accident attorneys at Franklin D. Azar & Associates are available 24/7. Call (303) 900-5595 or use the contact details here to get a free consultation and evaluation of your case.

About Franklin D. Azar & Associates, P.C.

Franklin D. Azar & Associates was founded on a single guiding principle: to provide resolute and effective legal representation for our clients, so that they can receive full and fair compensation for their injuries. The firm, founded in 1987 by Frank Azar, is the largest plaintiff-centered personal injury firm in Colorado, with offices in Denver, Aurora, Thornton, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins and Pueblo.