Charles D Green Jr’s New Book, “34 But Dealing with Eighteen,” is a Fascinating Tale That Explores the Highs & Lows Every Young Man Faces Throughout Their Life’s Journey


 Fulton Books author Charles D Green Jr has completed his most recent book, “34 But Dealing With Eighteen: Every Young Man’s Struggle”: a compelling tale based around the author’s own experiences that brings to life the situations that young men experience on a daily basis between the ages of eighteen and thirty-four.

An Arkansas native, Charles Green currently leads operations for the Young Leaders of Today’s Dream organization (YLTD). Through this platform, he has provided leadership to teens and young adults, and has spoken to high schools, colleges, and small groups about continuously improving their life through strategy, consistency, and following God.

Based on realistic circumstances, situations, and life’s vicissitudes, Charles Green’s indispensable fictional story gently displays life’s lessons of a young man and how they ultimately serve as the pathway to triumph. Charles’s soliloquy is from the perspective that continuous growth is a result of mistakes, evaluation, course correction, and moving forward with faith in God.

Charles shares, “From inception to completion, each chapter enables the reader to identify with themselves: a son, a stepson, an adopted son, a nephew, a cousin, a brother, or a father that is searching for a path with less bruises. We come to find that each circumstance within this book is not a coincidence but a building block of self-evaluation, reflection, and becoming better. Some have said that self- evaluation is one of the most difficult tasks for a person, but without it, we bypass opportunities of becoming or acquiring the things of God. True growth is when there is an adamant critique for both sides of the coin.”

Published by Fulton Books, Charles D Green Jr’s book is an opportunity to self-reflect and remember the lessons learned while growing up in southwest Arkansas. Expertly paced and thought-provoking, “34 But Dealing With Eighteen” welcomes readers from all walks of life to consider various lessons, and serves as a reminder that each young man has the opportunity to be great.

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase “34 But Dealing With Eighteen: Every Young Man’s Struggle” online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

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