Major Launch of Digital Spending Platform to Address Black Wealth Disparity: Introducing The Black Wall Street Spending Ticker


The inaugural initiative within the conscious group framework is the Black Wall Street Spending Ticker. This ticker meticulously tracks spending within the Black community and its allies, rewarding those who actively contribute to closing the wealth gap. Beyond mere transactions, this ticker empowers and inspires change, sending a resounding message to corporate America: the Black community and its allies are challenging the status quo through each intentional purchase. Symbolizing a commitment to economic transformation, this ticker introduces a new era of transparency and responsibility, visually capturing the collective impact of consumers in the marketplace.

Complementing this transformative platform is the Voter Wallet, a tool that empowers consumers to align their spending with their values and exercise their economic voting power. The Voter Wallet connects individuals with a network of conscious groups and merchants who share their principles. By seamlessly integrating spending, giving, and investments within each conscious group, the Voter Wallet provides a real-time window into the tangible impact of contributions within one’s community.

Dr. Charles Champ Walker, Chief Economic Empowerment Officer, anticipates a profound shift in market dynamics as consumers vote with their wallets. This transformative shift holds the potential to nurture a conscious economy, fostering a more equitable and prosperous future for all. African Americans are projected to wield $1.8 Trillion in spending power by 2024, yet only directing 3% of these dollars to Black businesses, the imperative for change is clear (Neilsen IQ, 2022).

For additional insights into FotM Global’s mission to bridge the wealth gap and catalyze transformative change, please visit Together, we’re ushering in a new era of conscious spending, empowerment, and economic justice.
