“Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature” Reveals How Institutions Sever Our Natural Emotional Connections to One Another, Thus Also to Life Itself


By revealing how we humans lost our natural sense of wellbeing, Shupe provides the insights we need to regain it.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

The book was written beautifully. The philosophy was very interesting and a whole new concept for me. Definitely an eye opener. Tamara Fayez, Amazon Customer

In Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, Chet Shupe describes how evolution programmed the feelings of all animate beings so that, by doing what they love doing, they automatically serve the life of their species. As unlikely as it may seem, one simple law, revealed exclusively through feelings, maintains the order required for countless species to live in sufficient harmony, for life to flourish on this planet. Shupe calls it The Law of Life:

To serve life, do things that feel good, and avoid activities that result in emotional pain.

Through The Law of Life, evolution organically governs the lives of countless creatures, rewarding each individual with pleasure, or punishing it with pain, for servingor not servinglife. Among all beings on earth, humans are unique, in that we rejected evolutions governance, to create an order imposed by rules and laws, based on how we think things should be. We remain capable of experiencing the feelings of pleasure and pain, through which evolution would normally inspire us to serve life. But the institutionally imposed order of modern civilization deprives us of the freedom to comply with The Law of Life. Indeed, our unnatural state of suffering is largely the result of not being free to honor Lifes Law.

Our problem is that, a few thousand years ago, our ancestors innocently elected to place governance in the hands of institutions. In that instant, they deprived themselvesand all who came afterof the freedom to do what humans naturally love doingto take care of life, by being true to how we feel in our relationships with the people around us.

Shupes Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature reveals the crucial role language played in humanitys fateful decision to outlaw Natures governance. Ultimately, this changed the human lifestyle from the contentment experienced through community, to social isolation and unrest, and all the emotional and social ills that implies. But our species need not be doomed, nor our happiness eternally repressed. Once we understand why our ancestors felt compelled to outlaw Natures guidance, and why we continue recapitulating the error, we will know what must occur, if we are to regain our spiritual freedom. Then, by doing what feels good and avoiding what hurts, our emotions will lead us to spiritual homesplaces where we accept each other as the beings Nature created, instead of the contrived ones our institutions keep insisting we are supposed to be.

Authors Biography
As a whistle-blower to the world, Chet Shupe speaks with urgency about the need to rediscover peoples connections with their own nature, if we are ever again to experience the contentment of sisterhood and brotherhood that is our natural heritage.

Chet Shupe is an electronics engineer who suffered from severe Attention Deficit Disorder, for much of his life. When he was 43, his condition was finally diagnosed, and he began treatment with Ritalin. Suddenly, life made sense. As a result of that extraordinary experience, he began writing on brain dysfunction to provide a conceptual framework for medically treating the brain.

As a result of that effortcombined with his professional knowledge of system control theoryShupes subject soon changed from brain dysfunction to cultural dysfunction. He realized that the brain cannot find lasting contentment, nor can it produce behavior that serves the individual or the species, when functioning in a reality that, emotionally, it does not comprehend.

Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness (Second Edition)
Author| Chet Shupe
Genre| Philosophy, Evolutionary Psychology. Sociology, Self-Help.
Publisher| BookBaby
Published Date| December 6, 2022