“A Single Rook” by Janet Ollerenshaw is published


Cameo characters people the pages of this gentle mystery, set in the imaginary town of Potterton and centered around its marina. Deaths, kidnapping, rescues and a mild romance weave in and out of the story. At the centre is Kevin, a semi-recluse boatman, whose peaceful evening is rudely interrupted when a female neighbour calls for his assistance in rescuing a drowning child. The child, Sophie, survives her wetting but brings with her a plethora of unanswered conundrums. During their efforts to solve the mysteries she presents, a lasting friendship is formed, an abusive step-father is halted in his attempt to deceive the authorities and a grieving woman is given a second chance.

About the Author:
Janet Ollerenshaw is a retired English & Music teacher. She has lived in Hertfordshire most of her life and has been involved with Scouting, animals and arts & crafts alongside her teaching career. She writes for pleasure and enjoys word-craft.

Janet has a Med in Educational Research from Cambridge and studied with the Open University for her first Degree in Humanities with Music and English Language. She does seasonal work as an exam marker for Edexcel and for the Cambridge International Exam board. Janet also published the Turning series of novels entitled Inside Out, Upside Down and Back to Front, along with two other cosy British mysteries entitled Secret of the Snail and Cane Toads.

Excerpt from A Single Rook:
To begin with, he was reluctant to get near enough to identify who was spread-eagled on his kitchen floor. His first instinct was to run; to shout, to cry for help or simply to get away from this horrible thing that didnt seem to bear any relation to his reality. But real it was and the realisation jolted him from his hung-over daze and enabled him to creep closer to the recumbent figure. Female he registered as he observed the long hair and painted fingernails. Dead well that was pretty obvious; he chided himself; Smelly, as he retched again and stepped carefully over the body in order to open the back door.

What to do? Now it may seem obvious to you or me that the first thing to do would be to phone the police. However, firstly he had mislaid his mobile phone; secondly, he didnt have the best of relationships with the local constabulary; thirdly, he had absolutely no idea where he had spent the last few days and, fourthly, he knew very well who the dead person was. All of which could all too easily combine to put him in first position as suspect; a position he had no intention of occupying. The one thing of which he was absolutely certain was that he had not killed his wife.

He supposed he ought to feel something; horror, sorrow, shock anything really. But truth to tell he was numb from head to toe; he didnt feel anything other than a slight sense of the unreal. He was dreaming, sleepwalking, he would wake up soon and all would be normal. He couldnt make himself go back into the kitchen so he took himself down the road to the local pub where a beer would suffice in place of the missed coffee.

A Single Rook is available in paperback from Amazon at:

This novel is also available to download as an e-book from Amazon at:

Press/Media Contact Details:
Janet Ollerenshaws Literary Agent:

Darin Jewell, Managing Director, The Inspira Group Literary Agency, 5 Bradley Road, Enfield, England
Tel. UK +208 292 5163
E-mail: darin ( @ ) theinspiragroup dot com

ISBN #979-8399107967
A Single Rook by Janet Ollerenshaw is published
