In the aftermath of Starfall, a cataclysmic war that obliterated the stars themselves, the universe is left with only black holes, ominously devouring what little life remains. Amidst the survivors, the Earth colonial prison ship Alcatraz has transformed into a technofeudal society, where the struggle for survival has created a sharp divide between the privileged and the deprived.
When an oxygen crisis threatens to tear the Alcatraz apart, Captain Gabriel Solomon is faced with the daunting task of holding the fracturing crew together. Forced to make a devil’s bargain with the enigmatic alien, Magnus Void, the crew plans a treacherous assault on an Ancient’s science outpost to uncover a long-hidden secret project.
However, the journey is fraught with peril, as old grudges, family feuds, and ancient hatreds resurface, tearing at the fabric of their society. Amidst the chaos, Gabriel’s youngest son, Matthew, holds the key to their survival. As a beacon of hope, Matthew rebels against his warrior lineage, seeking to learn from history’s mistakes and guide his people towards a better future.
But the shadows of the past loom large. Magnus warns of the ancient enemies guarding the outpost – a sapient energy species known as the Reverie, rulers of the enigmatic Cacophony of Discordance. Their dominion over the Great Maw is absolute, shrouded in darkness and whispered tales of doom for any who dare cross their path.
As the fate of the Alcatraz hangs in the balance, Matthew finds himself entangled in Magnus’ plans, driving him towards a destiny that could change the course of the entire Great Maw. Can he unravel the mysteries of an ancient abyssal prophecy left behind by the Ancients and resurrect the light in a universe consumed by darkness?
Discover a thrilling space opera adventure filled with secrets, treachery, and the boundless potential of humanity in Abyssal Prophecy, the first book in the Ex Nihilo series.
The book is now available for purchase on Amazon at the following link:
About the Author:
Ryan Matthew Browning was born in Wallaceburg Ontario in 1980. Disabled by a drunk driver as a child. Eventually he went onto double major Psychology and Political Science at the University of Windsor. Growing up he was a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy stories. His first book Patricians Sinful Seven was released in 2014 and the sequel Power Politics in 2018. Spending his days writing stories into the void, mainly to pass the time. Only thing he fears is the possibility of eternal recurrence being real.
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