Hong Kong – Betting and Lotteries Commission invites public views on HKJC’s proposals of additional horse race betting activities


Betting and Lotteries Commission invites public views on HKJC’s proposals of additional horse race betting activities


The following is issued on behalf of the Betting and Lotteries Commission:

     The Betting and Lotteries Commission (BLC) today (July 28) invites, through its Secretariat in the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB), members of the public to submit written representations on the proposals by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) to increase the number of horse race betting activities.
     As regards horse race betting, the HKJC is currently allowed to conduct betting on no more than 88 local race days, 10 non-local races falling on local race days (known as simulcast races) and 37 simulcast occasions on non-local race days (known as simulcast days) every year. No betting on local races is allowed during the summer break from July 17 to August 31. As far as simulcast day is concerned, the number of non-local races per simulcast day should not be more than nine.  
     The HKJC has proposed to increase the maximum number of simulcast races per year from 10 to 25 and the maximum number of races per simulcast day from nine to 12. The HKJC is required to obtain prior approval of the Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs (SHYA) before taking forward the proposals.
     Before making a recommendation to the SHYA on the above-mentioned matter in accordance with its function as stipulated in the Betting Duty Ordinance, the BLC would like to understand the views of members of the public. Members of the public may submit their views on the HKJC’s proposals to the Secretariat to the BLC by post (date of the stamp chop will be taken as the submission date), by fax or by email on or before August 28.
     For details of the HKJC’s proposals and the submission of written representations, please refer to the HYAB’s website (hyab.gov.hk/en/home/index.htm).