Hong Kong – Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions for 2023/24 academic year enters admission stage


Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions for 2023/24 academic year enters admission stage


     The Education Bureau (EDB) today (July 27) reminded students who have completed online application and verification for the Scheme for Admission of Hong Kong Students to Mainland Higher Education Institutions (the Admission Scheme) that they should log on to the designated website from July 27 to August 5 to check their admission results, as well as submitting and checking supplementary enrolment results.
     The students concerned should log on to the admission system of the Admission Scheme under the website of the Education Examinations Authority of Guangdong Province (eeagd.edu.cn/hkmslq/ks/login.jsp) (Chinese version only) to check admission results. Institutions will release first-round admission results in batches in order of priority as follows:

First priority admission results – 9am on July 27 (Thursday) onwards
Second priority admission results – 9am on July 29 (Saturday) onwards
Third priority admission results – 9am on July 30 (Sunday) onwards
Fourth priority admission results – 9am on July 31 (Monday) onwards

     Students who meet the minimum entrance requirements (i.e. attainment of Level 3 or above for Chinese Language and English Language and Level 2 or above for Mathematics and Liberal Studies in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination) but are not admitted in the first round can complete their supplementary enrolment through the admission system from 4pm on July 31 (Monday) to 4pm on August 2 (Wednesday). During the supplementary enrolment stage, students can choose two institutions and, for each institution, make four programme choices. Institutions will release supplementary enrolment results in batches in order of priority as follows:

First priority supplementary enrolment results – 9am on August 4 (Friday) onwards
Second priority supplementary enrolment results – 9am on August 5 (Saturday) onwards

     Students who have been admitted during the first round or supplementary enrolment stage will receive the acceptance letter from their respective institutions by post or electronically in due course. Students may contact the institutions directly if necessary. Contact information of the student admission offices of institutions is included in the programme directory of the Admission Scheme for the 2023/24 academic year (Chinese version only) provided on the EDB’s website (edb.gov.hk/admissionscheme).