Keep Irving Beautiful Partners with Dallas College North Lake Campus Student Government Association Conducts Cleanup


 Keep Irving Beautiful (KIB) recently partnered with the Student Government Association (SGA) of Dallas College North Lake Campus for a cleanup at the Rock Island Road Bike and Pedestrian Trail on July 13. They met at the KIB office, directly across the street from the trail. After receiving supplies and safety instructions, the volunteers set out for the trail on a beautiful summer morning.

The group worked together, concentrating their efforts on the tree lines near the trail. Together they completed 12 hours of service and collected 35 pounds of trash and recyclable materials, helping to make this popular trail cleaner and greener.

“The Dallas College North Lake Campus students and staff have a long history of partnering with Keep Irving Beautiful,” said KIB Board member Dr. Vu, the SGA faculty sponsor. “Groups like Service Learning, Phi Theta Kappa and the Green Club, as well as the SGA, have contributed many hours of service in KIB projects. It was a pleasure to join the students today for this cleanup, and we hope to do more projects in the future.”

Keep Irving Beautiful is a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating the community about litter abatement, recycling, and beautification to help preserve the health and promote the social and economic prosperity of the city. As an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful and Keep Texas Beautiful, Keep Irving Beautiful reaches out to all sectors of the community, including government, businesses, churches, as well as cultural, educational, neighborhood and civic organizations. For more information on volunteering with KIB or making an activity a “green event,” visit or call (972) 721-2175.

Keep Irving Beautiful
Rick Hose



  • Environment