Dr. Richard Gillett’s Incredibly Insightful Book on Thriving Amidst Political Polarization Heads Off to The 2023 Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair)


Dr.Richard Gillett is an internationally acclaimed author and psychiatrist who has seen how politically-driven polarization is creating a mental health crisis for millions of people. This is why he has set out to share his book,Its a FREAKIN MESS: How to Thrive in divisive Times where he clarifies the research on todays polarization, its negative psychological impact, and what people can do to mentally detoxify from it. This October,this book is slated to exhibit at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Gillett deals with the most pressing issue in our so-called civilized society us versus them. And refreshingly, he provides realistic solutions on how to be happy and effective when everything is a Freakin Mess around us. Bravo. Kenny Werner, author of Effortless Mastery

At the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair), many international publishers will gather to engage authors and speakers while sharing the most innovative ideas that could bring about more positive changes for the world today.

That is why psychiatrist and internationally acclaimed self-help author Dr. Richard Gillett has agreed to have his profound book – Its a Freakin Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times – exhibited at the event.

Its a Freakin Mess tackles one of the biggest sources of mental health struggle faced by many people around the world: polarization. Within the last five years especially, Dr. Gillett has seen the devastating impact of political and social polarization on peoples minds and relationships. He shows how politicians and the media feed the drama of us-versus-them in order to gain votes and market share, and how we can use simple methods to avoid getting sucked into this hostility in this way protecting our mental health.

The book is packed with plenty of helpful, self-healing techniques and strategies to counteract the influence of rising divisiveness. These include methods for regaining peace of mind in the midst of anger, distrust, and conflict, and even mending bridges broken by differences of political opinion.

Its a Freakin Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times will be displayed at the ReadersMagnet exhibit at the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair). The event will kick off on October 18-22, 2023, at Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Get the book on Amazon.

For more information about Dr. Richard Gilletts other books as well as more advice on healing from divisiveness, visit his website at https://www.doctorgillett.com/.

Its a Freakin Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times
Author | Dr. Richard Gillett
Published date | May 26, 2020
Publisher | Kingston Bridge Press
Genre |Self-Help

Author Bio
Physician, psychiatrist, keynote speaker, and author Richard Gillett received his medical degree from Cambridge University, England, and is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. His work is based on a lifelong personal and professional quest–what does it take for a human being to lead a fulfilling life, even when circumstances are rough? This quest took him all over the world–he has lived on four continents–and led him to settle in New York State in 1991, where he was granted residency as a professional of extraordinary ability before he naturalized as a U.S. citizen.

In his years of research in various countries and cultures, Richard Gillett came to the understanding that much of our suffering is created by a common habitdivisivenessa mindset that is relatively easy for us to change once we see how were doing it. This realization was the impetus for his book: Its a Freakin Mess: How to Thrive in Divisive Times.

Dr. Gillett is also the author of Overcoming Depression (Dorling and Kindersley, published in 9 countries and 7 languages) and Change Your Mind, Change Your World (Simon and Schuster). He has studied and practiced over 30 different kinds of psychotherapy, searching out the methods that are both short and effective, and determining which methods work best for which concerns. Some of these methods are rare, including wonderfully effective techniques some 2000 years old, unearthed from Dr. Gilletts study of ancient Greek and Indian psychologies. He has tried every one of these techniques on himself first, using the most effective of them to help clients, and then further honing them based on the feedback from clients. The result of this has been the discovery of fast transformational techniques that have enabled countless people to find greater happiness in their lives. You can find some of these techniques free of charge on his website doctorgillett.com