Neowiitan Investment is Accepting Funding Requests for Review and Possible Funding from Both Startups and Existing Businesses


 Neowiitan investment is industry-agnostic and open to funding clients/companies in all industries, both domestically and internationally.

Neowiitan investment is particularly interested in clients/companies with innovative products or services, strong financial performance, experienced management teams, and a unique value proposition. It’s essential to have a deep understanding of the industry.

The clients products or services needs to be unique, with a significant market potential that’s demonstrated with concrete evidence to make investing worthwhile.

Clients/companies might need to have an advantage such as intellectual property protection, exclusive licenses, or marketing and distribution relationships to distinguish from potential competitors. A profitable business model, a business plan and pitch, emphasizing both market and finance issues well, is also a requirement.

Neowiitan Investment have flexible terms exclusively for long term business investment based on convertible equity debt funding, full debt funding platform including start-up projects and businesses.

Submit an investment proposal by visiting Neowiitan’s website.

Note: The company’s solutions should address significant problems for a large target market and the minimum funding request is $500,000.00

Edward Swain



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  • Finance
  • Investment
  • Licensing