David I. Jackson’s “You’re Too Late” Will Be Exhibited at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair


David I. Jackson shares his life story and faith in Yahusha Hamashiach (The Son of God).

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

ReadersMagnet will exhibit Youre Too Late: How Europeans and Americans Brought the Curse of El Elohiym by David I. Jackson at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair this coming October 18-22, 2023.

David I. Jacksons Youre Too Late: How Europeans and Americans brought the curse of EL ELOHIYM on themselves will be exhibited by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair. The book trade fair will take place on October 18-22, 2023, at Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

The Frankfurt Book Fair is an international book fair organized by Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH. Based on the number of publishing companies represented, the event is the worlds largest book trade fair. It is a prominent marketing event for launching and exhibiting books and facilitating the negotiation of international sales of rights and licenses.

Youre Too Late tells the authors life and his faith in Yahusha Hamashiach, the Messiah. This book provides insights into the struggles of being Jewish and toughing it out to see what becomes of the new understanding. It also delves into the love and power of God Yahuah.

Jackson practiced a Japanese religion for 14 years, but it could not erase the Judeo-Christian effect left on his life. He never thought the Bible he gave his grandmother for Christmas would become important to him after her death. This let him recall how the Yahudiym (Jews) were executed for their faith in God, allowing him to go back to his Jewish roots.

Youre Too Late will be exhibited at the ReadersMagnet exhibit at the 2023 Frankfurt Book Fair. The company showcases the works of independent and self-published authors at huge book events, such as the Frankfurt Book Fair, helping them to share their stories with the world and connect with their readers. Fairgoers are invited to the ReadersMagnet exhibit to view the books display.

Readers can get a copy of David I. Jacksons Youre Too Late: How Europeans and Americans brought the curse of EL ELOHIYM on themselves on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Authors Biography

David I. Jackson has a connection to the Hebrew faith. This was told to him by a former Ashkenazi employer in 1971. He didnt believe it, however. This starts him on a lifelong story from being an African-American Methodist to Japanese Buddhism to a Non-denominationalist to the Hebrew faith to being a Messianic Hebrew.

Youre Too Late: How Europeans and Americans brought the curse of EL ELOHIYM on themselves
Author| David I. Jackson
Genre| Autobiographical/ History
Publisher| Author House
Published Date| April 4, 2023