Kenneth Sousa Teaches Children and Preteens an Important Lesson in His Children’s Book “I’m Bored”


This childrens book tells the story of a dog named Scampy and what he learned about freedom.

San Diego, California, USA – WEBWIRE

From Scampys adventures, children learn the tough lesson about running away from home.

Kenneth Sousas childrens book Im Bored was exhibited by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023. The literary festival, which is the largest literary festival in the country, took place on April 22-23, 2023, at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

Im Bored tells a story of a dog named Scampy. This childrens book is written from a dogs perspective. Scampy is a watchdog. For most of his life, he is chained in a dog house in the yard of his owners house. Occasionally, his owners take him inside the house during nighttime. When in the yard, he experiences the heat of the summer and the freezing temperature during the winter. In addition to his everyday problems, the neighborhood cat consistently annoys him. Even though he tries to chase the cat, he cant break free from his chains.

Scampy always longs for freedom and excitement. He dreams of seeing the world outside the fence. One day, he manages to escape the yard when a visiting workman enters the home. Scampy learns the hard lesson of what it is like to live outside the home. Boredom triggers Scampy to seek change and freedom from his confinement.

This childrens book teaches parents that boredom occurs when energy is not channeled into an activity that provides fulfillment.

Get a copy of Kenneth J. Sousas Im Bored on Amazonand Barnes & Noble.

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Author Bio

Kenneth J. Sousa is a disabled Vietnam veteran and a graduate of Boston Universitys College of Communications, where he won awards for Vietnam Nightmares and Dont Wait, which aired on WBZ TV. He is the author of seven books, including the award-winning Man-Dar and Kill a Cow. Ken lives in Florida with his wife, Midge.

Im Bored
Author | Kenneth J. Sousa
Published date | December 24, 2022
Publisher | Brilliant Books Literary
Genre | Animal Fiction