Hong Kong – CSD organises information sharing session on tertiary education programmes for young persons in custody (with photos)


CSD organises information sharing session on tertiary education programmes for young persons in custody (with photos)


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) organised an information sharing session on tertiary education programmes for young persons in custody (PICs) at Sha Tsui Correctional Institution today (June 26). Representatives of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) and eight University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded universities were invited to provide information on distance learning programmes offered by the HKMU for young PICs as well as to help them understand the tertiary education programmes and arrangements for continuing their studies while in custody. The briefing session was also broadcast live to Pik Uk Correctional Institution, allowing the young PICs of that institution to participate simultaneously.

     More than 100 young PICs participated in the sharing session. During the session, in addition to a briefing by the HKMU on the characteristics of distance learning programmes and the structure of degree programmes, the CSD also specially arranged for representatives of various universities to conduct group discussions with young PICs to provide them with learning suggestions.

     The CSD hopes, through the event, to provide clearer learning directions for young PICs who aspire to continue their studies, while at the same time let the PICs feel the support of the community, including various universities, so as to strengthen their determination to pursue university education.

     The CSD has been committed to providing appropriate rehabilitation programmes for PICs and encouraging them to continue their education. Earlier, the CSD signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the HKMU and eight UGC-funded universities respectively to strengthen co-operation with a view to providing more comprehensive support for PICs to further their studies, including providing bursaries for distance learning and arranging credit transfers for PICs in need to help them continue their studies at respective universities after release.