100,000 Snowballs Get Launched on the First Day of Summer


 Just as summer is getting underway, Colorado-based Big Discoveries gets 100,000 cushiony, fuzzy “snowballs” delivered to their offices.

In what is now the world’s first indoor snowball fight board game, Big Discoveries is launching Yeti Snowbrawl, a snowball stacking brawl for the whole family.

“After playing with a bucket of indoor snowballs, Mike Szalajko and I started thinking, there’s got to be something more than just tossing these around,” said Alex Mackey, Co-owner of Lethal Chicken Games. “While developing Yeti Snowbrawl for Big Discoveries, we came up with the idea of adding a little dexterity stacking, fun board game play and ultimately the perfect excuse for pelting my kids with soft, fluffy snowballs.”

Yeti Snowbrawl is a two to four player game where players must be the first to stack 10 snowballs on their Yeti Lair to win the game. But players also have the opportunity to try to knock over other player’s piles or even start a snowball fight.

Upon playing Yeti Snowbrawl for the first time, David Cross, CEO of Big Discoveries said, “I think Yeti Snowbrawl is an out-of-the-box way to get to interact with your family in a fun, competitive activity. It’s the perfect game for everyone you love…to throw things at.”

The ever elusive Yeti has been spotted more frequently with Yeti themed games on the rise such as Yeti Slap, Yeti, Set, Go! and Yeti in My Spaghetti amongst others.

Yeti Snowbrawl is available on Amazon along with Camping with Sasquatch and What The Film?! all by the same creative minds at Lethal Chicken Games.

Camping with Sasquatch, a card game with a ROAR is a “Rummy meets Slapjack” hybrid with cute camping characters such as a s’mores chocolate bar guiltily eating itself.

What The Film?! is a party game where players combine an Actor, Plot and Set card to create their best 36 second pitch. It’s a chance to ideate movies and backstab friends all at the same time. What The Film?! was a Toy of the Year finalist as well as TAGIE finalist.

About Lethal Chicken Games
Lethal Chicken Games began in 2017 during cleanup from Hurricane Irma. They create light-hearted, family-friendly games. For more information visit LethalChickenGames.com.

About Big Discoveries
Screens off, play on. Big Discoveries creates the best toys, games, and puzzles to spark imagination and encourage discovery. Promote active play and exploration with our fun and functional animal lights or have a family game night at home with our collection of interactive tabletop games. There is so much to discover!

Lethal Chicken Games
Alex Mackey


Yeti Snowbrawl Game Box


  • Toys & Games