Hong Kong – DGCA attends 10th anniversary ceremony of ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Sub-Office in Beijing (with photos)


DGCA attends 10th anniversary ceremony of ICAO Asia and Pacific Regional Sub-Office in Beijing (with photos)


     The Director-General of Civil Aviation, Mr Victor Liu, today (June 6) attended the 10th anniversary ceremony of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Asia and Pacific Regional Sub-Office (APAC RSO) in Beijing by invitation. Officiated by the Administrator of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Mr Song Zhiyong, and the Secretary General of the ICAO, Mr Juan Carlos Salazar, the ceremony was attended by representatives of civil aviation authorities and industry partners.
     The Civil Aviation Department (CAD) has been actively engaged in the work and activities of the ICAO. This includes promoting the initiatives of the Regional Aviation Safety Group – Asia Pacific Region, participating in meetings of the Asia Pacific Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group, and seconding CAD officers to the APAC RSOs in Beijing, China, and Bangkok, Thailand. Through co-operation and exchanges with aviation authorities of the region as well as international organisations, the development of the aviation industry in the Asia-Pacific region is further promoted.
     Mr Liu arrived in Beijing yesterday (June 5). During his visit to Beijing, Mr Liu called on the CAAC and representatives of the CAAC’s Office of Aviation Safety to exchange views on issues including flight safety. Mr Liu also visited the China Academy of Civil Aviation Science and Technology to learn about the new opportunities brought about to the civil aviation industry by technological development.

     Accompanying Mr Liu to Beijing was the Acting Assistant Director-General of Civil Aviation (Air Services and Safety Management), Mr Michael Yuen.

     Mr Liu will return to Hong Kong tomorrow (June 7).