Canada – Revision to the PMRL consultation for Pyraziflumid (PMRL2022-02)


Pest Management Regulatory Agency
15 May 2023

The Proposed Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) consultation document for pyraziflumid (PMRL2022-02), published on 28 February 2022, proposed several import MRLs on the following commodities: bushberries (crop subgroup 13-07B) at 6.0 ppm; caneberries (crop subgroup 13-07A) at 4.0 ppm; stone fruits (crop group 12-09) and raisins at 2.0 ppm; small fruits vine climbing, except fuzzy kiwifruit (crop subgroup 13-07F) at 1.5 ppm; pome fruits (crop group 11-09) at 0.4 ppm; and tree nuts (crop group 14-11) at 0.03 ppm.

The above MRLs were proposed as imported commodities from the United States, with pending American registration of the chemical and establishment of American tolerances. In addition to the import MRL application, applications were submitted for Canadian registration of the use of pyraziflumid on apples alone, at a proposed MRL of 0.4 ppm (as apples are part of crop group 11-09).

Given that the American registration decision remains pending, the application for the import MRLs has been withdrawn in Canada. As such, no import MRLs for pyraziflumid will be established at this time. Health Canada has granted registration of the Canadian use of pyraziflumid on apples (see Registration Decision RD2023-04, Pyraziflumid and Parade Fungicide) and will establish an MRL for apples at 0.4 ppm.

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency of Health Canada has informed the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee of the World Trade Organization of this update.