WCA is so Happy to Present This Month’s Webinar Speaker


 Michael Dennis is a consultant with more than twenty years’ experience as a credit manager working for companies including McKesson, Black and Decker, Jorgensen Steel Company and American Hospital Supply. He authored or co-authored seven books including: “Credit and Collection Handbook,” “Credit and Collection Forms and Procedures Manual,” and “The Credit and Collection Manager’s Concise Desk Reference.” Michael has an MBA from Pepperdine University. He holds the CBF, CCP, and CPC. Certifications. Michael has been honored as Credit Executive of the Year by both CMA California and by BCMA.

All attendees will explore ways to adapt Business-To-Business Debt Collection to meet a company’s collection targets. There are a few ways that this will be accomplished, such as examining how to avoid the most common mistakes collectors make every day.

This Webinar will be held on May 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM Central Time. At the low cost of one registration fee ($65/$79) (one phone/internet connection), as many people as you wish in your office can view the Webinar. Easy-to-follow instructions will be sent with your meeting confirmation.

The Association is a recognized authority in the Business Credit profession serving thousands of Business Credit professionals in Wisconsin and nationwide. To register online, visit wcacredit.org/webinar-seminar-registration. For more information or to register, contact The Business Credit Management Association Wisconsin at 888-546-2880.

Chrys Gregoire



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