Philippe Errera appointed EVP International & Public Affairs at Safran



Philippe Errera is appointed Executive Vice President, International and Public Affairs, effective June 1st, 2023. He replaces Alexandre Ziegler, who is appointed Executive Vice President, Defense Division, Safran Electronics & Defense. Philippe Errera also becomes a member of Safrans Executive Committee.

Safrans International and Public Affairs department is also in charge of Group programs, as well as relations with Boeing, Airbus and COMAC.

Philippe Errera began his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1996 in the department of common foreign and security policy. From 1998 to 2003, he was Counselor in charge of politico-military affairs at the French Embassy in Washington, before becoming deputy director of the Policy Planning Center from 2003 to 2006. He was deputy director for Nuclear Non- proliferation and disarmament in 2006-2007, before being appointed adviser then chief of staff to the Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2007 to 2010. Philippe Errera was Ambassador, Permanent representative to NATO from 2011 to 2013, before joining the Ministry of Defense as Director of Strategic Affairs in 2013. He is the first Director General for International Relations and Strategy of the Ministry of Defense, from 2015 to 2018. Since 2019, he was Director general for Political and Security Affairs of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Philippe Errera, 53, is a graduate of Institut dEtudes Politiques de Paris (1992) and the Ecole Nationale dAdministration (1996).

Safran est un groupe international de haute technologie oprant dans les domaines de laronautique (propulsion, quipements et intrieurs), de lespace et de la dfense. Sa mission : contribuer durablement un monde plus sr, o le transport arien devient toujours plus respectueux de lenvironnement, plus confortable et plus accessible. Implant sur tous les continents, le Groupe emploie 83 000 collaborateurs pour un chiffre daffaires de 19,0 milliards deuros en 2022, et occupe, seul ou en partenariat, des positions de premier plan mondial ou europen sur ses marchs. Safran sengage dans des programmes de recherche et dveloppement qui prservent les priorits environnementales de sa feuille de route dinnovation technologique.

Safran est une socit cote sur Euronext Paris et fait partie des indices CAC 40 et Euro Stoxx 50.