FlipBuilder Offers a Digital Booklet Maker That Is Powerful & Element-rich


FlipBuilder develops various flipbook publishing software for users worldwide. Its digital booklet maker helps make and publish interactive booklets in a hassle-free way.

Digital booklets are a useful medium for marketing products online, making invitation cards, explaining company services or business, and more. Creating an element-rich online booklet from scratch is time-consuming and labor-intensive. That’s where Flip PDF Plus Pro comes in. Users can furnish booklets with flipping effects, add multimedia elements, and share publications with this booklet maker.

“With built-in pre-made animated effects, themes, and backgrounds to choose from and eye-catching elements,” said Fermi Huang, Chief Engineer of FlipBuilder, “Flip PDF Plus Pro does a great job of helping professionals and newbies create, design and publish digital booklets.”

Flip PDF Plus Pro makes it easy and fast to achieve realistic page-turning effects and sound in digital booklets. By doing so, viewers will have an immersive reading experience, just like flipping through a printed booklet. In addition, users are not only able to design the layout style of the booklet but also add a table of contents to the virtual booklet. A click-to-go table of contents greatly helps the audience locate what they want in just a few clicks without having to browse through the entire content.

Users can further make their digital booklets visually appealing as well. They are allowed to add lines of descriptions, HD photos, videos, GIFs, explainer audio, animations, and more to the flip booklet, informing the audience of product/service details and leaving them with a deep impression. Plus, the added trigger actions like pop-ups, links, emails, phones, etc.,  largely help engage the audience and increase potential leads.

In addition, the one-click share button makes interactive digital booklets available to more audiences worldwide. After registering a hosting account on the FlipBuilder website, users will receive five book-hosting points and begin to use the Flip PDF Plus Pro’s Hosting Add-on Service. Once hosted a flippable publication using this booklet maker, they can publish and share publications with customers and prospects without hassle. This will help drive more traffic and boost sales.

To learn more about the digital booklet, please visit FlipBuilder.

About FlipBuilder Software Co., Ltd.

FlipBuilder is an innovative and professional digital publishing platform, providing the best solution to convert static PDF files into wonderful online flipbooks. From design to delivery, we focus on simplicity in use and power in function. Unlike traditional printed publications based on paper, you can create an online elegant digital magazine within several steps.