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Unauthorised Construction at 16 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar

Unauthorized construction is a major problem in Delhi. One recent example of such construction can be found on the ground floor of 16 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, where a building has been constructed without the necessary permits and approvals from local authorities. The building obtained a completion certificate in 1980s and subsequent construction cannot be done without extensive approval after an audit of the building by the structural engineer.

Sunil Dwivedi, in yellow shirt, the engineer performing the construction

The floor in question is owned by one Mr. Jayakumar Ramachandran Nair, the Chairman of the so-called Swaraj Foundation, who currently stays at E9/22 Vasant Vihar. He is trying to extend his floor in violation of the building codes and regulations that govern construction in the area. He has encroached upon the public spaces including the driveway, the rear verandah, and other areas.  He claims a close association with the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, and the Home Minister, Mr. Amit Shah. It seems that he was motivated by a desire to profit from the sale or rental of the space.

The consequences of unauthorized construction are many and varied. First and foremost, such construction poses a risk to public safety. Buildings that are constructed without proper permits or inspections may be structurally unsound, which could lead to collapse or other accidents. The contractor has broken the main load-bearing wall and there is a possibility that the entire structure may collapse. In addition, this unauthorized construction has damaged the water and sanitation facilities in the building.

On being suggested by the journalist that as per the norms, the engineer should display the sanctioned plans of the building at the construction site, the said Sunil Dwivedi boasted about the political and police connections of Mr. Iyer. He challenged the residents to complain and said that no action will be taken. He also said that if Mr. Iyer says, he will also construct on the road.

In the case of 16 Paschimi Marg, Vasant Vihar, local authorities have been notified of the unauthorized construction and have to take urgent steps to address the issue including sealing the floor and putting the goons behind bars. The owner and builder of the building will likely face fines or legal action for their actions.

It is important that authorities take a strong stance against unauthorized construction in order to protect public safety and prevent the negative consequences that can result from such activities. This requires a commitment to the enforcement of building codes and regulations, as well as the establishment of a culture of compliance among builders and developers.


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