Driving Successful Lives Adds Significant Options for Individuals Seeking Volunteer Opportunities


The non-profit’s volunteer program has expanded with new programs that enable volunteers to have an even greater impact on their communities

Driving Successful Lives, a national non-profit that provides assistance to individuals and families in crisis, also operates a large-scale volunteer program with the goal of improving communities across the country. “Building a robust volunteer force has enabled us to reach a larger swath of America,” said a spokesperson for the organization. For years, the organization has provided assistance with food & utility deficits, housing and transportation (having given away a number of vehicles to help people to move forward).

“Our enhanced volunteer program allows those that are in need of court-ordered community service, or who are simply desiring a way of doing good for others, a number of ways and means to reach their goals. Our program now includes efforts like hands-on work that focuses on cleaning up local roads and public parks, and even a drive to inform local businesses of their ability to get help from a special government grant (the ERC – Employee Retention Credit) that provides for businesses that have kept people employed.”

Driving Successful Lives volunteers also have the option of helping to establish a wider base of operations for the charity or conducting outreach for others in need of of required community service hours. “We are getting boots-on-the-ground to get help to the folks who really need it, and our volunteers are benefiting through the satisfaction of having been a part of something that helps so many.”

For more information on the organization’s volunteer program, visit: https://drivingsuccessfullives.org/

About Driving Successful Lives

Driving Successful Lives’ mission is to facilitate car donations so that veterans, homeless families, children, those with addictions & other non-profits can benefit from fellow citizens giving-forward.

Every time a person gives to the charity of their choice it may also create a tax benefit for them. The money, the items, and the real property that they have donated to non-profit institutions throughout the tax year may be tax deductible which means that they could end up being the difference between a good tax return and a great tax return. Depending upon the kind of donation and the type of charity or foundation that they chose to donate to, the tax deduction it creates could be very helpful for reducing the amount taxes that they owe. Many successful and wealthy people state that at least to a certain degree, a part of whom they are and what they have become comes at least in part from the practice of giving. Contributing to charities can be a very convenient way to reduce taxes.

Visit: https://www.drivingsuccessfullives.com/