Lauretta Elaine Joyner Gives Voice to Today’s Forgotten Women Through Her Compelling Book “Not Every Woman”


Lauretta Elaine Joyner has watched the conversation around women only to find that there remains a missing voice for women over 40 who never chose marriage and had children. That is why she recently published a new book, Not Every Woman: Questions Answered By Women 40 Plus Years Old, Never Married, And Childless, with words straight from this neglected demographic and giving them the much-needed opportunity to tell their story.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Research on the experience of child-free, single women over 40 come few and far in between. Its time they got a voice.

There are many books that talk about empowering women and freeing them from past prejudices and confined gender roles. However, much of the literature still tends to focus on the voices of millennials. There is not much on the subject of women who are over 40, unmarried, and without children.

For community psychologist Lauretta Joyner, this seemed counterproductive. The lack of representation from this demographic has led to many unfair stereotypes, uncharitable taboos, and unhelpful approaches to their unique problems.

Thats why she had not only conducted research into this neglected demographic; she had made the results available to the public in her new book Not Every Woman: Questions Answered By Women 40 Plus Years Old, Never Married, And Childless.

The book starts by exploring the issue in-depth, complete with statistics on exactly how many women in this demographic are there (both in the United States and worldwide).

Joyner then explains how much of the common perceptions are not simply flawed. They are the result of multiple factors. These include culture, economics, financial circumstances, religion, and other influences in these womens lives.

And while she holds to her own Christian beliefs, Joyner goes against the grain of the typical judgmental outlook that looks down on these women for their choices.

Speaking of which, a greater portion of Not Every Woman then presents the responses she received in her research. The project involved sending questionnaires to volunteers while also offering them the much-needed opportunity to speak about their lives. Why have they not married after such a long time? What were their real thoughts on not having children? Were all of them really happy, miserable, or somewhere in between?

Lauretta Elaine Joyner hopes that by publishing Not Every Woman: Questions Answered By Women 40 Plus Years Old, Never Married, And Childless and having it exhibited at book exhibits all over the world, she hopes that these women will finally have their voices heard. The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and ReadersMagnet Bookstore.

Not Every Woman: Questions Answered By Women 40 Plus Years Old, Never Married, And Childless
Author | Lauretta Elaine Joyner
Published date | January 11, 2023
Publisher | ReadersMagnet
Genre | Self-Help

Author Bio
Lauretta Joyner, author of the childrens book, Respect Me, was born in Charleston, South Carolina, and grew up absolutely loving to read. Of course, English was her favorite subject, which helped to spawn her interest in writing. Lauretta has an Associate degree in Sociology with a minor in English, Bachelor of Science in which she majored in Humanities and minored in Fine Arts, and her masters degree in Human Services with a Concentration in Community Psychology. Communicating by writing is even more important to her than verbal. Lauretta enjoys sightseeing, traveling, watching, and listening to others motivate and inspire others, listening to gospel and classical music, and yes, she likes watching public affairs and some political programming.