Controlled FORCE Professional Services is pleased to announce recognition of their Security Services Professionals at the US Army Materiel Command, Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Security Officers Michael Draa and Robert Batten were recognized by AMC Provost Marshall George Milan and given a certificate of appreciation for their “quick thinking, response, and actions” in reference to a security and safety breach that occurred in December 2022.
Controlled FORCE Professional Services is pleased to announce recognition of their Security Services Professionals at the US Army Materiel Command, Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
Security Officers Michael Draa and Robert Batten were recognized by AMC Provost Marshall George Milan and given a certificate of appreciation for their “quick thinking, response, and actions” in reference to a security and safety breach that occurred in December 2022.
On December 25th 2022 at approximately 1630 hours; Officers Michael Draa and Robert Batten who were on duty at Headquarters Army Materiel Command, heard a loud boom and immediately saw water gushing from a high pressure fire suppression water line. The broken water line began to flood portions of the Redstone Arsenal all while the fire alarm sounded, and the fire doors closed as programmed.
Officers Draa and Batten immediately made all required notifications as required and disconnected all I.T. equipment located under the security desk and relocated it to a safe area.
Officers Draa and Batten kept in constant communications with Controlled FORCE management and Redstone Arsenal security leadership, provided updated status reports, and acted in a calm and determined manner with regard to this incident.
Officers Draa and Batten’s quick thinking and response during this incident saved the US Army thousands of dollars in potential property and sensitive information loss.
“We must recognize our professional and quality officers” said Mr. James Andreades, Controlled FORCE Site Supervisor. This sentiment was followed on by President and CEO Diana Juarez-Grano who stated that “Our protective security officers are paramount at Controlled F.O.R.C.E. and a cornerstone of our success in Federal Contracting.”
Established in 1997, Controlled F.O.R.C.E. is a woman-owned, small business and current participant in the SBA’s 8(a) program, specializing in the provision of physical security services and security program management, including security/law enforcement training, alarm monitoring and emergency response services. Controlled FORCE holds a DoD/DCSA facility security clearance and private security agency licenses in nine (9) states. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. is an approved vendor to all agencies and departments of the United States Government, available through a General Services Administration Federal Supply Service, Multiple Award Schedule.
About Controlled Force
Controlled F.O.R.C.E. (First Official Response in a Critical Environment) strives to improve the safety of each and every person working to protect the security of this Nation. The company accomplishes this by instilling the knowledge and skills needed to operate with control and confidence so that communities can adapt to the dynamic challenges of today. Controlled F.O.R.C.E. is honored to craft and provide essential training, specializing and customizing unique methods that integrate into existing programs or developing curriculum to aid clients’ objectives. To learn more about Controlled F.O.R.C.E., visit