Wendell Magee Jr’s Spiritual Praise Book Will Be Displayed at The London Book Fair 2023


Retired Major League Baseball player Wendell Magee had lived the professional sports dream. But in his book, Set the Captives Free, he comes out to say how a lot of his success is all thanks to the blessings and promise of Jesus Christ. Now, readers at the London Book Fair 2023 will get an in-depth look at his words of praise and how he hopes it will inspire other faith-minded athletes.

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The joy of Adonai is our song.

At the London Book Fair 2023 will be displayed books that cover a wide range of spiritual beliefs, one of which is the book Set the Captives Free by a retired Major League Baseball player Wendell E Magee Jr.

Wendell Magee enjoyed a stint at professional baseball, first with the Philadelphia Phillies and then the Detroit Tigers in the early 2000s. Now retired, hes published the book Set the Captives Free, in which he speaks from the heart about what has lifted him throughout his career: Jesus.

The book is a compilation of Magees praise for the God who promised and delivered his dream. Since he was young, he had seen himself elevated in Major League Baseball so that he can minister Abbas grace and faith.

The themes of promised glory, prosperity, and deliverance are repeated in all the lines of his book. Each is a proclamation of praise to God and Christ, with Magee interchangeably using the different names they had gone by, such as Adonai, Yesuah, Xplotox, etc. This is further combined with plenty of inspiring scriptural references aimed toward giving hope to people who have sacrificed much.

Its a book that will likely appeal to any reader who has experienced great losses from misfortune, promising that God will reward them tenfold should they simply repent and be transformed. For Magee, he saw it through his time in Major League Baseball, and he hopes this book will likewise inspire the visitors at the London Book Fair.

Set the Captives Free by Wendell E Magee Jr will be displayed at ReadersMagnets exhibit at booth stand no. 6A90 at the London Book Fair 2023. Order a copy today on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Set the Captives Free
Author | Wendell E Magee Jr
Published date | October 7, 2020
Publisher | Fulton Books
Genre | Christian Poetry

Wendell is a Hall of Famer at Mississippi Jr College, Peru river junior college, and Stamford university. He was drafted in 1994 Major League Baseball by the Philadelphia Phillies and Detroit Tigers.