Compelling New Psychological Thriller “Dead Ringer” by Jayne Masters Haines to Be Displayed at the 2023 L.A. Times Festival of Books


The author puts readers on the edge of their seats with her ultimate thriller, Dead Ringer.


Catch Jayne Masters Haines book display at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books 2023.

The psychological thriller Dead Ringer by Jayne Masters Haines will be displayed by self-publishing and book marketing company ReadersMagnet at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. The literary festival will take place on April 22-23, 2023, at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA.

Dead Ringer is a story about blackmail, identity manipulation, and the lengths one will go to make up for a horrible mistake and prove their love. The wife of a psychopath is killed in an accident caused by Tyler, who was driving intoxicated along a highway in the desert. Tylers problems start when he is blackmailed into obtaining a body double for the deceased woman. What he didnt anticipate was falling in love with the new beauty.

This fast-paced psychological thriller is a gripping adventure that delves deep into the mind of a young woman whose identity is twisted to fulfill the fantasies of a psychopath. It includes real-life events and locations (San Diego, California, and the Cinque Terra region of Italy). More so, it is written in the first person, and its told mainly by the two main characters in the story.

Jayne Masters Haines wrote this story to catch the attention of adults of all ages. It is exciting and suspenseful, with some sexy spice added to make the book a real page-turner.

Get a copy of Dead Ringer by Jayne Masters Haines on Amazon. Visit the ReadersMagnet exhibit at booth 225 to check out the book display and other titles of interest.

Know more about Jayne Masters Haines and her works by visiting her website: (Website In Progress: insert link when available.)

Dead Ringer
Author | Jayne Masters Haines
Genre | Psychological Thriller
Publisher | Independently Published
Published date | October 30, 2022

Jayne Masters Haines is a freelance advertising copywriter and award-winning author who lives in San Diego. Dead Ringer is her third published book, but this is her first novel in the thriller genre.