“Ransom Theft Love: Journey from Zanzibar to Somalia“ by Melita Wade Thorpe will keep Readers Turning Pages


Melita Wade Thorpes well-written mystery book will keep readers guessing.

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Ransom Theft Love is a mystery/thriller book that revolves around the journey of Dr. Anne Wadsworth. The lady doctor has been taking tourists to the vast plains of Africa for years. She not only adores the landscape, but she also views Africa as her second home. Dr. Anne has no idea that her dream vacation location will get involved in a global nightmare when she accepts the invitation to deliver the keynote address at Zanzibars Human Rights Conference.

Anne is kidnapped by unknown intruders and held captive while they journey from Zanzibar to Somalia. Her life hangs in the balance after the terrifying experience of traveling from Zanzibar to Mombasa. She has little chance to defend herself, so she finds comfort in stargazing with her Sudanese guardian every night. After learning the terrifying reality, Anne recognizes that it is no longer about her.

Surprising and gripping, Thorpes book is a well-written, page-turning work with a spectacular twist that will keep readers guessing. Its brilliant description of the majestic African landscape hits all the right notes, giving justice to the natural wonders of East Africa.

Order a copy of Ransom Theft Love: Journey from Zanzibar to Somalia by Melita Wade Thorpe today on Amazon, and visit the book display at the ReadersMagnet exhibit booth at the 2023 LibLearnX. Learn more about Melita and her works by visiting her website: https://www.melitawadethorpe.com/.

Book Title | Ransom Theft Love: Journey from Zanzibar to Somalia
Author | Melita Wade Thorpe
Genre | Suspense
Publisher | Archway Publishing
Published date | February 22, 2022

Melita Wade Thorpe is a native of Mississippi and a writer who draws on her experience of international travel. Ransom, Theft, Love is her first novel. She grew up in the deep south before moving to California. Her tour operator career included leading astronomers to Africa on twenty-three tours. She is a Fellow Verger of the Episcopal Church Vergers Guild and has authored nine liturgical dramas. She lives in Ellisville, Mississippi.