Hong Kong – Hospital Authority attaches great importance to safety of hospital facilities


Hospital Authority attaches great importance to safety of hospital facilities


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) received report from Kwai Chung Hospital (KCH) today (March 8) regarding the spalling concrete in the consultation room of a child and adolescent psychiatric ward early this morning. No patients or staff members were injured in the incident. The KCH has immediately cordoned off the consultation room concerned and inspected other facilities to ensure the safety of patients and staff members.
     The HA Chief Executive Dr Tony Ko expressed great concerns about the recent incidents of falling objects in public hospitals. The HA will stringently follow up on issues related to hospital safety and take all practicable measures to eliminate potential risks in hospitals to ensure the safety of patients and staff members.
     Dr Ko said, “The safety of patients and staff members is the HA’s utmost concern. The HA is ultimately responsible for the safety of health facilities. We sincerely apologise for the recent incidents and the concerns of public on hospital safety arising from the incidents.”
     The HA Director (Strategy and Planning) Dr Ching Wai-kuen said that the HA has conducted an operation to thoroughly inspect the facilities and structures of all hospitals, and will accord priority to inspecting the following facilities with higher risks:

  1. All devices suspended at a height of 2 meters or more;
  2. Locations with a history of spalling, high-risk areas (such as wards), water seepage locations, areas affected by engineering vibrations, and locations showing signs of damage; and
  3. Hospital exterior walls and structures.

     It is expected that the preliminary inspection will be completed within one month, and the HA will immediately follow up on locations with potential risk.
     At the same time, the HA announced that a committee composed of six experts from different professions (Annex) has been formed to assist the HA to thoroughly review the maintenance of medical equipment and facilities in public hospitals. The committee will review the following aspects and make recommendations within three months’ time:

  1. Response and overall management process of several recent incidents related to hospital maintenance works;
  2. Prevailing procedure and reporting mechanism between the HA Head Office and public hospitals; and
  3. Internal and external communication when relevant incidents occurred in public hospitals.

      “The HA has been proactively and stringently following up on issues related to hospital safety. The HA will strengthen its supervision of contractors’ maintenance works to ensure the safety of the hospital environment. If the contractor is found to have any violations after the investigation, it will definitely be referred to regulatory bodies for follow-up and will be used as a reference for the contractor to bid for related contracts in the future.” Dr Ching said.
     The HA reiterated that it has always been transparent and open when making public announcements regarding hospital safety issues.