RPost Joins HawkSoft as Newest Partner Focused on Security


RPosts RMail encryption for data privacy and HIPAA compliance is among the easiest to use in the market. It works seamlessly inside Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Salesforce, and more. The service delivers encrypted emails directly to the recipients inbox without messy verification links, logins, or expensive decryption keys. RMail then automatically returns court-admissible records for proof of fact of privacy compliance and delivery. HawkSofts existing integration to Microsoft Outlook means that independent agents can immediately utilize RMail within their day-to-day process. Drag-and-drop the electronic receipts to complete the documentation in HawkSoft. Additionally, RMails PRE-Crime module is designed to prevent, detect, and disarm wire fraud attacks that target you or your clients through email. Extend peace-of-mind beyond your organization to your entire network of email recipients including their reply and forward recipients.

Insurance Agents and Brokers have a lot of choices these days, and our choice to partner with HawkSoft was an easy one as our goals and missions align seamlessly, comments RPost VP of Business Development Jake Finnell. We want to make it simple for the Insurance community to adopt technology that helps them protect their clients information while at the same time boosts productivity so they can focus more time on their revenue generating customer success goals, states Mr. Finnell.

For nearly as long as HawkSoft has had email integration in our platform, we have had customers that rely on RMail and RPost to secure important and sensitive email, said Rushang Shah, VP of Marketing at HawkSoft. This step to formalize our relationship is really an acknowledgement of RPost as one of the best allies in the fight against cybercrime in our industry.

HawkSoft and RPost look forward to collaborating on educational content for the insurance industry throughout the coming year.

About RPost
RPost is a global leader in feature-rich and more affordable email security & compliance and e-sign services and has been specializing in the specific business needs of independent insurance agencies for over 20 years. RMail (Email Security & Compliance) and RSign (E-sign) are trusted solutions for many of the leading Big I insurance associations and are closely partnered with insurance technology resource Catalyit.

About HawkSoft
Since 1995, HawkSoft is a leader in management systems for independent insurance agencies that want effective workflows and a delightful experience for staff and policyholders. Created by independent agents, HawkSoft continues to evolve as a cutting-edge system that powers thousands of agencies. HawkSoft offers the following promise to insurance agents: your investment in HawkSoft will pay for itself in the first year.

News published in prnewswire.com. Click here to access the news item.
