Sue Ann Matinkhah Gets a Display for Her Children’s Book on Trees at LibLearnX 2023


Sue Ann Matinkhahs environmental book aims to teach its readers about trees and highlight their importance to the world.

San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE

Readers acquired newfound knowledge with Sue Ann Matinkhahs childrens book at the 2023 LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience 2023.

ReadersMagnet did a great job displaying the childrens book Plant A Tree And Watch It Grow by Sue Ann Matinkhah at the 2023 LibLearnX: The Library Learning Experience (LLX) held on January 27-30, 2023. The event took place at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Sue Ann Matinkhahs Plant a Tree and Watch It Grow is an informative read about the wonders of trees. The book is full of simple words that explain how trees benefit humans, such as providing shelter from the sun, keeping out the rain, and providing nourishment.

The book demonstrates that it doesnt matter what time of year it is; one can always find something remarkable in the trees. Sue Anns words, liberally laced with facts, depict the magnificence of a tree as they reveal the countless ways in which it aids the animals of the world. Trees do more than only provide animals with food; they also help keep the air pure for everyone on Earth.

Sue Ann Matinkhah writes to instill in young readers an understanding of the many ways in which trees benefit life on Earth. She proposes planting trees and observing their development as a simple and entertaining exercise for teaching children how they can make a difference in the world.

Order a copy of Plant A Tree And Watch It Grow by Sue Ann Matinkhah on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the ReadersMagnet bookstore.

Learn more about Sue Ann Matinkhah and her works by visiting her website:

Plant A Tree And Watch It Grow
Author | Sue Ann Matinkhah
Genre | Childrens Book
Publisher | ReadersMagnet
Published date | July 15, 2022

Sue Ann Matinkhah has lived in Michigan most of her life. She graduated from SVSU with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Sue worked as a social worker for many years in her community to help improve lives. She has three grown sons and six grandchildren. The education of our youth is critical to her, and she writes to educate and encourage children to become active in improving their environment and, ultimately, their world.