“Waking Up” an Amazon Best-Selling Book is Free For One More Day (02/17/2023)


United States – WEBWIRE

Best Seller Publishing announces the release of James Delunas new #1 international best-selling book, Waking Up: While The World Was Asleep. It will be available for free download in the Amazon Kindle Store for one more day, February 17th.

There are two worlds taking place upon this Earth, there is one of plastic and there is one of truth. In one of those worlds, they dont know about the existence of the other, but in the other one, you can see each one clear as day. The shades of gray are beginning to overpower and the separation of each one, is becoming overshadowed. There is a way to find light to illuminate your path.

James Deluna is 52 years old and fought with addiction for 36 of those years. Choices he made led him to be incarcerated for 15 years of his life and 14 years on paper (parole). He has given the Department of Corrections 29 years of his life, and this was with no end in sight. The UDC proclaimed that, statistically, he had a 99.1% chance of spending the rest of his life in prison. You might say that the odds were against him.

Whether your life is filled with addiction, depression, hopelessness, illness, sorrow, anger, hatred or violence-anything that is on the negative side of the Richter Scale – he guarantees that your life can change if you do the same things that he did for his life, and that recipe is in his book.

Waking Up by James DeLuna will be free and available for download on Amazon for one more day (02/17/2023) at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSMW6Z32.

For More Information:

For questions or to schedule an interview about this press release please contact us at (626) 765-9750 or email info@bestsellerpublishing.org.

Best Seller Publishing is a Los Angeles Publishing Company dedicated to helping business owners and entrepreneurs become the hunted with their best-selling books.

About the author:

After leaving home at the age of 14 on Christmas morning, James DeLuna turned away from all the things he had been taught. He figured them to be false. This led his life into every addiction that crossed his path. Not just drugs and alcohol, but the addiction of depression, hopelessness, anger, hatred, fear, and any other word that carried a negative sign in front of it. Which, in turn, led to him spending most of his life locked up, in prison and in jails.

After 36 years of addiction, and also being given less than a 1% chance of not returning to prison for the rest of his life, he woke up and realized that God had been waiting for him the whole time. Each day is a miracle, and the love he feels is greater than any high he has ever felt in his life.