Hong Kong – LegCo Members visit hostels for homeless people (with photos)


LegCo Members visit hostels for homeless people (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     Legislative Council Members conducted a site visit to two hostels that provide temporary accommodation to homeless people today (February 6) to learn about the support services offered to them.

     Members first visited the Friend Home in Tai Kok Tsui and received a briefing by representatives of the operator on the overview of the hostel’s operation and its design in protecting the privacy of residents, so as to understand the hostel’s temporary accommodation service provided for homeless people.

     Members then went to the Caritas Hostel in Hung Hom, where representatives of the operator briefed Members on the design features of the hostel as well as its short-term accommodation service for men in urgent need. During the visit, Members exchanged views with representatives of the Social Welfare Department on ways to provide better support services to homeless people.

     Members who participated in the visit were Mr Dennis Leung (convenor), Ms Elizabeth Quat, Ms Doreen Kong and Mr Tang Ka-piu.