DHS Awards $348,859 to The Foster Lane


 The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) has awarded The Foster Lane $348,859 to bring 23 parenting workshops to parents and people who support families in the Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) Waiver program. This funding is part of a total of $17.3 million awarded to 69 organizations statewide. These grants are intended to improve Medicaid home and community-based services that help older adults or those who have disabilities.

The Foster Lane’s awarded project is specifically focused on bringing evidence inspired programing to families across the state via in person and virtual workshops. These workshops will be facilitated by The Foster Lane staff in any community that identifies needing/wanting to increase trauma informed parenting practices. There is a special focus of bringing LGBTQIA+ and trans-racial parenting focused workshops to rural and traditionally underserved populations across the state. The project will also target county and community workers who impact the lives of families who participate in the CLTS waiver program. This includes county agency workers, doctors, daycares, schools, etc.

“As a parent who wishes there were workshops like these available as I was parenting children with long term needs, I see just how important this information is to, not only parents and caregivers, but also the professionals who support the family. We are building these programs so families don’t have to struggle like ours did for so many years.” – Sarah Salisott, owner of The Foster Lane

Grant funding is made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). To learn more about the statewide grant opportunity and all funded projects, visit the DHS website. Questions about ARPA funding and DHS can be sent to the DHS media team at DHSMedia@dhs.wisconsin.gov.

The Foster Lane
Sarah Salisott



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