Celebrate National Cherry Month with Traverse Bay Farms, Cherry Treats and American Cherry History!


Celebrate National Cherry Month this February with Cherry Treats and American History! Enjoy a free downloadable recipe cookbook packed full of 36+ great tasting cherry recipes.

February is National Cherry Month in the US, celebrating two special cherry-related activities. National Cherry Month celebrates America’s founding and the cherry blossom tree’s of Washington DC.

George Washington’s birthday is one reason February is National Cherry Month. American folklore includes the urban legend of George Washington and the cherry tree, which shows his integrity. The narrative is crucial to American history, even though Mason Locke Weems fabricated it.

National Cherry Month also celebrates the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. The city celebrates cherry blossoms every year. The cherry blossom festival begins in late February, March, or early April and includes a street festival, fireworks, a lantern-lighting ceremony, live performances, cultural displays, food kiosks, artisan booths, and more.

Tokyo residents gave Washington, D.C. its cherry blossom trees. Tokyo Mayor Yukio Ozaki gave the city 3,800 cherry blossom plants in 1912. Mayor Ozaki gave 70% Yoshino cherry trees, which blossom early.

The National Cherry Blossom Festival honors the U.S.-Japan alliance and celebrates cherry blossom trees. The event attracts millions of visitors from across the world, making it a must-see for nature, culture, and art lovers.

National Cherry Month 2023 celebrations include:

  1. Learn about the cherry tree narrative that honors George Washington.
  2. Visit D.C. for the National Cherry Blossom Festival.
  3. Cherry juice, no-added sugar dried cherries, and other cherry-based dishes may enhance February meals. Download a free cookbook with delicious cherry dishes for every meal.

Don’t miss 2023’s National Cherry Month!

About Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage

Winner of 38+ national food awards at America’s largest and most competitive food competitions. Traverse Bay Farms is the #1 award winning super fruit company in America.

Offering an all-natural line of fruit salsa, fruit barbecue, dried fruit including dried cherries, dried blueberries and more. In addition, Traverse Bay Farms offers cherry juice concentrate and teaches about health benefits of cherry juice.

Fruit Advantage is the sister brand an offers a complete line of condition-specific, fruit-based supplements including tart cherry capsules, blueberry capsules, pomegranate capsules. In addition, Fruit Advantage offers a patented formula combining tart cherries with glucosamine and chondriotin. This one-of-a-kind supplement is called Cherry Prime – Complete Muscle and Joint Complex.