SeaWolf Press Releases Two New Books in Its Black History Collection


 Just in time for Black History Month, SeaWolf Press has added two new books to their Black History Collection. They each have their own unique story and most people are unaware of the controversy about who reached the North Pole first.

A Negro Explorer at the North Pole by Matthew Henson
Matthew Alexander Henson, born in 1866 to sharecropper parents, was an African American explorer who accompanied Robert Peary on seven voyages to the Arctic over a period of nearly 23 years. The first African American made a life member of The Explorers Club, he was awarded the Hubbard Medal by the National Geographic Society, and even had a lunar crater named after him. A Negro Explorer at the North Pole is his account of the expedition to the North Pole in 1908 with Commander Peary. Henson mastered the Inuit language and was a skilled craftsman and outdoorsman. Henson was identified as the first member of the party to actually reach the pole.

The House Behind the Cedars by Charles Chesnutt
Charles Waddell Chesnutt was an American author born to parents who were both “free persons of color.” Charles identified as African American but noted that he was seven-eighths white. He is best known for his stories exploring complex issues of racial and social identity in the post-Civil War South. He was also active in the NAACP. The House Behind the Cedars was published in 1900. The story occurs in the southern American states of North and South Carolina a few years following the American Civil War. It follows a woman of mixed white and black ancestry who chooses to live as a white woman. Her racial identity is called into question when she falls in love with a white aristocrat. The portrayal of interracial romantic relations was very controversial at the time.

SeaWolf Press Collection of Black History books, many of which are illustrated
W.E.B.Du Bois: The Souls of Black Folk, Social Evolution of the Black South, The Negro
Booker T. Washington: Character Building, The Story of Slavery, Up From Slavery, The Future of the American Negro
Harriet Stowe: Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Harriet Jacobs: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Frederick Douglass: Narrative of Frederick Douglass; Fourth of July Speech
John Brown: Slave Life in Georgia
Carl Sandburg: The Chicago Race Riots
Solomon Northup: Twelve Years a Slave
How do I find these SeaWolf Press classics?
Simply add “seawolf press” to the title of the book in the search window on Amazon and you should be able to find the book, or go to the catalog on their website at

About SeaWolf Press
SeaWolf Press was established to offer high-quality editions of classic works of famous authors, including Jack London, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, Louisa May Alcott, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and Robert Louis Stevenson. These editions include the formatting and illustrations from the first editions, as well as the original cover art. The goal is to make the reader feel like they are reading the book when it was written. Visit for more information and a complete catalog of their books.

MiraVista Press
Robert Etheredge
SeaWolf Press is an imprint of MiraVista Press.



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