Industry: Finance Soteria Personalized Target Date Accounts San Clemente, CA (PRUnderground) January 22nd, 2023 Ronald Surz, President of Target Date Solutions, announces the release of Soteria software that facilitates personalized target date accounts by blending patented safe-landing target date glidepaths with the personalization of managed accounts. Target date funds (TDFs) are the most popular Qualified Default Investment Alternative (QDIA). Managed accounts (MAs) are the second most popular. Both TDFs and MAs suffer known shortcomings that Soteria overcomes by using the best in both while eliminating their deficiencies. See how in this introduction and attend our February 15 webinar at noon EST. “Our pioneering innovation equips recordkeepers with software that revolutionizes 401(k) investing for both defaulted and self-directed participants” says Ronald Surz. Benefits include: About Target Date Solutions Developer of the patented Safe Landing Glidepath and Soteria Personalized Target Date Accounts Target Date Solutions
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