– Nespresso and Chiara Ferragni Embark on A Journey of Discovery, Inspired by Italy’s Love for Coffee


Nespresso expands its Ispirazione Italiana range with a limited-edition collection co-designed by the italian fashion icon and inspired by the countrys vibrant coffee culture


Nespressois kicking off the year in style with Italian fashion icon,Chiara Ferragni, who has embarked on a journey of discovery through her love of coffee in a four-part short film series. Inspired by the delicious flavours and the Italian regional coffee traditions, Chiara co-developed a limited-edition collection withNespresso, expanding theIspirazione Italianarange with the launch of theMilano Intensocoffee, accessories and a coffee machine that pay tribute to the urban vibes and contemporary tempo of Milan, Chiaras city of adoption.

Alongside renowned historian, Filippo Cosmelli, Chiara starts her adventure in the fascinating history of Romes coffee culture and the tradition and creativity of the beautiful city. Together, the duo visit iconic locations, includingAntico Caff Grecowhere they enjoy a Roma espresso and uncover Italian roasting traditions. Chiaras journey continues through the city of Milan, the true inspiration behind the design, taste and notes of theMilano Intensocoffee, stemming from historic locations such as Villa Necchi, Palazzo Montedoria and Duomo Cathedral. The Duomo gold spires and Villa Necchis bespoke geometric deep green design with gold accents, appear throughout the limited-edition collection, uniting coffee enthusiasts globally with timeless elegance and classic vibes.

Commenting on her collaboration withNespresso, Chiara Ferragni said:My love of coffee and Italy knows no limits, so I jumped at the chance to collaborate again with dearNespressofamily to co-develop this limited-edition collection. The new range has been inspired by the creativity and rich culture of Milan, and I am so excited to bring to life such great tasting coffee with beautiful accessories and machine for coffee lovers to enjoy wherever they are.


The limited-edition expansion ofNespressos Ispirazione Italiana2023 range welcomesMilano Intenso, designed to allow coffee enthusiasts to celebrate the vibrant city of Milan. Finding a balance between jammy fruity notes and a shimmer of spice, the coffee will take people to a place of artistic heritage, luxurious lifestyle and superior taste.Milano Intensoencompasses the elegance, history and coffee expertise of Italy for people around the world to enjoy.

Igniting the senses with a classic combination of roasted-cereal and cocoa notes, coffee drinkers can expect to get hints of bread and dark chocolate with every sip they take. For a momentous tasting experience from start to finish,Nespressorecommends the coffee is sipped as a cappuccino, giving off hints of pepper, berry and funky fruity notes. The coffee uses a split roast technique, with the majority being medium roasted, and the minority composed of the Robusta portion and roasted to a very dark degree.


The limited-edition collection is also comprised ofNespressoslimited-editionTouch Travel Mugin a sleek gold colour, and a set of two matte black and gold espressocups, allowing consumers to enjoy their coffee in style. Coffee lovers can also get their hands on a limited-editionNespresso CitiZcoffee machine with an Italian twist – wrapped in a striking artwork reminding Milans Villa Necchi Campiglio and ideal for enjoyingNespressos Ispirazione Italianacoffee range, includingMilano Intenso.


Chiara Ferragni is an entrepreneur and a global Italian fashion icon.

Chiaras career started in 2009 when she launched her personal style blog, The Blonde Salad. With her strong personal branding through social media, she successfully gained presence in the digital space and a mass following, nowadays she has more than 28 million followers on Instagram.

Chiara has collaborated with multiple fashion brands and has been on the cover of the most eligible fashion magazines all over the world including Vogue, Vanity Fair, and InStyle. She has also been nominated by Forbes as most powerful influencer in 2017 and undoubtedly recognized as one of the most influential personalities in the fashion industry.