The Black Light Fellowship’s Official Website: Accessible, Inspiring, and Up for a Good Cause



Many Christian websites can be found anywhere around the internet, but what if this is the best one yet?, the official website of the Black Light ministry offers Black Christian Literature, informative blogs, and everything in between.

No one holds the beacon of Black Christian faith better than the Black Light Fellowship. Led by Rev. Dr. Walter McCray with his wife Rev. Dr. Thelma McCray, the fellowship moves towards meaningful goals, but most importantly, to the cultural identity and social freedom of Black Christians. Their bookshop, which has its very own page in the site, displays highly relevant books about a myriad of topics, most of them written by Black Christians IN the Black community. They are all available for purchase and the proceed help to support the ministry. Donations are very much welcomed, and no amount is too small.

Everything a visitor needs to know about the fellowshipits leaders, purpose, when it all started, and their complete contact details are all in one place. Their simple interface also makes everything easy to access. To stay updated and get news from them, anyone can freely subscribe, too. Aside from their huge collection of relevant books, the insightful blogs and videos of Rev. Dr. Walter McCray also appear free of charge. Anyone can feed their minds and curiosity to their hearts content.

BLF is accessible, inspiring, and up for a good cause. Show your support to the Black Light Fellowship; visit and get a copy.

To purchase, subscribe, and simply explore for more details, visit

About the Author
A native Chicagoan, Rev. Dr. McCray is a seasoned minister of the Gospel who has pursued his vocation for over five decades. He is a Gospelizer, a Good News messenger of Jesus Christ. Since receiving his call in 1969, the Lord has used him to elevate the saints, to heal and serve the poor and oppressed, and to return the lost to Christs salvation.

Consequently, his mission is to glorify God in the Name of Christ by being Black and of Christ. To that end, preaching the Gospel to the poor, strengthening bonds within the Church community, and teaching the Bible from an Afrocentric viewpoint are his specific areas of emphasis.