Rathmans Stand Against Legal Malpractice



Deception and distrust should never be allowed to influence decision-making, particularly in the act or pursuit of justice, because the system is intended to be just and unbiased to the common person. However, as the number of cases involving deception grows, the integrity of what was supposed to be a fair system is called into question.

If Only Truth Mattered in Family Law focuses on how the justice system is not always a friend to the truth rather than what an individual can do. Perjury, manipulation, and dirty tricks are not just a part of life for prosecutors and police officers; they are the norm. David Rathman takes readers into the web of deception, exposing the underhanded tactics used to subvert justice where it matters the most: in personal lives. Being a victim of such legal blunders and tactics provided plenty of experience to draw upon in making this informative work.

In the case of legal issues, understanding an individuals rights is critical and will guide practitioners through the entire process. Legal advice can improve the understanding of the legal situation, such as the options available and the mechanics of the court system.

The book If Only Truth Mattered in Family Law, written by David Rathman, is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and costs about $20.95 for a paperback copy. This work will have some take a second look at events and alter opinions on how legal proceedings these days are implemented.

About the Author
David Rathman is a devout Christian with a gift for music. He brings to his work a dedication to excellence, compassion, and an unwavering optimism about the future of the world. He is passionate about teaching and guiding young people in the development of their musical and artistic abilities.