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Japan – NEC Listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) three years in a row

NEC Corporation (TSE: 6701) has been named three years in a row to the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices World Index (DJSI World) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Asia Pacific Index, some of the most prestigious global indices of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment.

DJSI is an evaluation indices developed by the S&P Dow Jones Indices that evaluates the sustainable practices of major global companies across the “Governance & Economic,” “Environmental” and “Social” dimensions. Companies that receive high evaluations are selected to the DJSI Indices. NEC received high evaluations once again in the “Information Security/Cyber Security & System Availability,” “Environmental Reporting” and “Social Reporting” categories, and newly this time in “Risk & Crisis Management,” “Environmental Policy & Management Systems” and “Climate Strategy.” In addition, NEC’s evaluation improved in the “Corporate Governance,” “Materiality” and “Talent Attraction & Retention” categories, where NEC is actively promoting efforts and transparency.

Other than DJSI World and DJSI Asia Pacific, NEC is included in the FTSE4Good Index Series and the MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes as part of high evaluations in terms of ESG. NEC has received “A List” ratings four years in a row in the categories of “Climate Change” and “Water Security,” as well as an A List rating for “Supplier Engagement” from the global environmental non-profit CDP. In addition, NEC has been awarded a “Platinum” Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ranking, in recognition for being part of the top 1% of companies evaluated by EcoVadis, a France-based CSR rating platform.

NEC became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact(1) in 2005, which was founded on the basic principles of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, and continues to strive to minimize any burdens that business activities may have on society. NEC aims to contribute to the creation of value for society through its business, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) launched by the United Nations. Over the course of the Mid-term Management Plan 2025, in order to promote sustainable growth, NEC aims to achieve continuous inclusion in ESG indices by advancing initiatives for materiality, which are priority management themes from an ESG perspectiveAS(2).

NEC also aims to create the social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential. Based on the NEC Way, a common set of values that form the basis for how the entire NEC Group conducts itself, NEC contributes to achieving the SDGs.

(1) The United Nations Global Compact:
An initiative that calls on companies worldwide to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles in four fields of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. NEC joined in 2005.
(2) NEC’s efforts in support of ESG initiatives are reported in the following:
– NEC Sustainability Report 2022
– NEC Integrated Report 2022
– External Ratings and Evaluations

About NEC Corporation

NEC Corporation has established itself as a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies while promoting the brand statement of “Orchestrating a brighter world.” NEC enables businesses and communities to adapt to rapid changes taking place in both society and the market as it provides for the social values of safety, security, fairness and efficiency to promote a more sustainable world where everyone has the chance to reach their full potential. For more information, visit NEC at

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