Moorish Manor Presents Books and Blues


 “Books and Blues” is a series of performances by local Arizona Blues legends and provides an opportunity not to just entertain but expand one’s knowledge about this famous form of American Music. These presentations are in partnership with City of Glendale Libraries and Moorish Manor Management, along with a grant for the Music Performance Trust Fund (MPTF), support from AFM Local 586 Musicians Union, and funded by a City of Glendale Performance Arts Grant.

The Books and Blues Series close out with a three-band performance at Glendale Library’s Velma Teague Library in Murphy Park at the E. Lowell Rogers Amphitheatre beginning at 1:00pm. The bands include Tom Mein and the Amber Band performing at 1:00pm, Glenville Slim and the Blues Posse beginning at 2:30pm, and Geo Bowman and House Party finishing the concert at 4:00pm. This concert performance is slated to end at 5:00pm with that days closing of the Velma Teague Library.

Grab your lawn chairs and plan on an afternoon of rich musical entertainment while visiting the library and the shops in Historic Downtown Glendale.

Moorish Manor
Gabriel Bey



  • Music