Hong Kong – London ETO promotes professional opportunities arising from Hong Kong’s infrastructure development to UK students and graduates (with photos)


London ETO promotes professional opportunities arising from Hong Kong’s infrastructure development to UK students and graduates (with photos)


     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, London (London ETO) co-organised a seminar with the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) at Imperial College London on December 9 (London Time), to promote engineering career prospects in Hong Kong in relation to its various development projects to the United Kingdom (UK) engineering students and graduates.
     During his speech at the seminar, the Director-General of the London ETO, Mr Gilford Law, said, “In coming years, the Government annual capital works expenditure is expected to exceed 100 billion Hong Kong Dollars (10 billion British pounds), showing that Hong Kong invests heavily and steadily in infrastructure and other capital works.” He mentioned that, Hong Kong has sophisticated East-meets-West culture and adopts a simple tax system with low tax rates; professional and talents could experience a kaleidoscope of arts and culture, sports and entertainment while developing their career in the city. Mr Law also highlighted the talent attraction measures announced in the Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address, including the Top Talent Pass Scheme.

     The President of the HKIE, Mr Aaron Bok, who was having an official visit in the UK, introduced to the participants Hong Kong’s major infrastructure projects and development blueprints, including the Northern Metropolis, housing development projects and Hong Kong I&T Development Blueprint, so as to illustrate the Hong Kong’s engineering industry is full of opportunities.
     Over 100 participants joined the seminar.