The website Includes Traverse Bay Farms in an Article on Top Salad Ingredients


Traverse Bay Farms, winner of 38+ national food awards and the #1 nationally award winning super fruit company is America, was mentioned on the article for Top Salad Ingredients., an online family magazine, recently published an outstanding article on Top Salad Ingredients and mentioned Traverse Bay Farms nationally award-winning products. Here is link to the Top Salad Ingredients article for review.

According to Andy LaPointe, marketing director for Traverse Bay Farms, “ is an excellent website that provides information ‘parents want to know’. The website is filled with news, travel insights, trips and product reviews. We are very excited to be included in an article published on the”

Mr. LaPointe continued, “The article was by MacKenzie Stone and provided an in-depth list of add-on salad ingredients to make any salad taste great. The Traverse Bay Farms products mentioned in the article were raspberry jalapeno jam, cherry salsa, strawberry poppyseed dressing and cherry barbecue sauce. What customers really enjoy about our gourmet food products are they are full of flavor and taste great. Best of all, they can be used with any meal of the day, too. For example, you can use our nationally award-winning cherry barbecue sauce to make homemade cherry BBQ vinaigrette salad dressing. Simply mix ½ cup cherry BBQ with ¼ cup of lemon juice, 1/8 cup vinegar, 2 tablespoons of honey and 2/3 cup of olive oil. This great tasting and easy recipe can be enjoyed over a salad with grilled chicken.”

Mr. LaPointe continued, “Best of all, we have created a free downloadable recipe cookbook that is packed full of simple and easy ideas using our gourmet food products for every meal of the day. The name of this downloadable book is 101 Easy Recipes.”

About Traverse Bay Farms / Fruit Advantage

Winner of 35+ national food awards at America’s largest and most competitive food competitions. Traverse Bay Farms is the #1 award winning super fruit company in America.

Offering an all-natural line of fruit salsa, fruit barbecue, dried fruit including dried cherries, dried blueberries and more. In addition, Traverse Bay Farms offers cherry juice concentrate and teaches about health benefits of cherry juice.

Fruit Advantage is the sister brand an offers a complete line of condition-specific, fruit-based supplements including tart cherry capsules, blueberry capsules, pomegranate capsules. In addition, Fruit Advantage offers a patented formula combining tart cherries with glucosamine and chondriotin. This one-of-a-kind supplement is called Cherry Prime – Complete Muscle and Joint Complex.