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Malaysian Investors take part in Indonesia Investment Forum in Penang

A total of 95 Malaysian investors took part in the Indonesia Investment Forum which was co-organized by the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) of Republic of Indonesia and the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI) Penang in Penang, Malaysia, Tuesday.
Promotion Director for Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Region of the Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordinating Agency (BKPM) Saribua Siahaan said, “The ministry together with the Indonesian Consulate General in Penang received information that many potential investors in Malaysia were interested in investing in Indonesia, particularly, in Medan, North Sumatera and in Indonesia’s New Capital City (IKN).

“Therefore, we have come here to directly meet and talk to the investors about the potentials,” said Saribua. Malaysia is among the top 10 investors in Indonesia, with investment over the last 5 years (2017-2021) reaching US$ 6.76 billion.

Penang was chosen as the location for the event because the city is a manufacturing hub in Malaysia, hosting Excellence in Industry 4.0 through which it is expected to increase awareness and interest of Malaysian investors in investment opportunities in Indonesia.

“Malaysia is one of the biggest investors in Indonesia, mostly in Sumatra. And we hope the investment can be expanded in other locations, especially in IKN,” said Saribua.

Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Penang, Bambang Suharto, added, “Penang as home to 300 MNCs (Multi National Corporations) and 3,000 SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) has various similarities and closeness with Indonesia, namely the geography, community diversity and culture.

“Indonesia, as predicted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), will be the 5th largest economy in the world by 2045, and offers great opportunities to Malaysian investors to invest in Indonesia and grow together with Indonesia,” said Bambang.

The event also presented a number notable speakers including Assistant Deputy for Investment Acceleration Strategy and Policy at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Ferry Akbar Pasaribu; Head of the Indonesian Investment Promotion Center in Singapore Andria Buchara; Kuala Tanjung Industrial Estate Business Director, Saut Fransiswoyo Siagian; and the Medan Industrial Park Development and Operations Director, M Hita Tunggal.

Ministry of Investment (BKPM)
Investment Coordinating Agency

Topic: Press release summary

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