EKnives Announces The Return Of The Tri-Grip Ultratech From Microtech Knives To Honor Those Battling Cancer


EKnives is a family-owned company founded in 2013 that sells high-quality blades and knives at great prices. The company is run by knife enthusiasts and collectors who know exactly their customer`s needs when purchasing top-quality knives.

EKnives is a family-owned e-commerce that distributes only the best knife brands straight to every USA citizen’s doorstep. Eknives has put the pink Tri-Grip Ultratech from Microtech back on the market as a loving tribute to those battling cancer.

Cancer touches all of us in one way or another, and it is essential to support those fighting this battle. There are many ways to show your support, and one of the most important is to raise awareness about cancer and its effects. That is why Eknives will donate 5% of the sales of the `Real Men Carry Pink’ Microtech Ultratech knife to the American Cancer Society.

Microtech knives are some of the most popular knives on the market today. These knives are known for their high-quality construction and attention to detail. Microtech knives are made from premium materials, and they are designed to perform exceptionally well in a variety of different applications.

For any knife enthusiast or collector looking for a high-quality knife that will make a great addition to their collection, look no further than a Microtech knife. And what better way to contribute to a good cause than purchasing the new Ultratech Microtech knife in loving support of cancer patients.

The leading model of this campaign was the Tri-Grip Ultratech from Microtech Knives. This versatile and durable knife is perfect for any outdoor adventure. The blade is made from stainless steel and is designed for toughness and sharpness. The handle is made from a comfortable and ergonomic polymer, and the triple-grip design provides a secure grip even in wet or slippery conditions.

The Microtech Ultratech also features a convenient pocket clip for easy carrying. Whether hiking, camping, or simply exploring the great outdoors, the Tri-Grip Ultratech from Microtech Knives is the perfect companion.

Get a wide selection of knives from some of the most popular brands on the market; there’s always something for everyone at EKnives. If you’re planning to expand your knife collection or gift a beautiful blade this season, head to eknives.com today and take advantage of some fantastic deals, models, and reliable delivery service. Buy Microtech Knives at Legal States From EKnives!

Get the `Real Men Where Pink` knife in support of cancer patients and their families. These brave individuals face an uphill battle every day, and we would like to take a moment to honor them. They are an inspiration to us all.

About Claymerica (Eknives)

An ecommerce brand focused on knives and tactical EDC tools. Started in 2013 as a home based entity and now have a storefront/warehouse.