Ilona Anne Hress’s New Book is a GPS into Your Soul’s Innate Wisdom to Live Courageously



Every human being is born with an energetic internal processing system, a spiritual software, that influences our experience of being alive. The invisible mechanics of the soul that permeate our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and memories are constantly present and available. This book is a passageway to access that inner guidance to lead the reader to a more authentic, harmonious, and fulfilling life in a complex and confusing world.

Ilona Anne Hress details how our souls wait for us to consciously connect to the origins of our being, and how the power of the soul to inform and transform our lives begins to answer life’s most unanswerable questions. This book places challenges and difficulties in new contexts that make navigating life more graceful. Through a series of insights, exercises, meditations, and activities a deeper level of understanding that links the head and the heart begins to infuse the reader’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. As a result, life becomes interesting, surprising, and blessed; fear loses its grip on life as the soul teaches us new ways to be loved and loving.

Ilona guides the reader into the adventure of living a soul-aware and soul-empowered life. By choosing our soul’s operating procedures to create safety and freedom for all who choose to thrive on Earth, Ilona welcomes us to be part of a worldwide transformation rising beyond self-destruction into self-love and ultimately an enlightened civilization of peace. This is the world our children will know because we have learned how to make courageous choices that put love and life first.

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Realizing an Enlightened Civilization of Peace

Author: Ilona Anne Hress

Publisher: Your Online Publicist

Publication Date: June 2022

Genre: Spirituality, New Age

Target Audience: Anyone willing to work on the evolution of our species and our planet.

About the Author

Ilona facilitates environments of unconditional loving by providing guidance, understanding, and application of higher-dimensional experiences to reach beyond human suffering. She approaches the challenges of personal and planetary healing with a practical joy that promotes self-transcendence. In her presence, celestial lines of communication open to reveal energy as a language of transformation, and through her awareness, integrated healing occurs. She collaborates with the Cosmic Light Collective, The Fifth-dimensional Spiritual Government of the Earth, and the Archangels and Angels of our 24 Universal System, of whom Archangel Metatron is our universal representative. Her deep connection to the mineral kingdom assists her in supporting the evolution of all life on Earth. She is committed to midwiving the emergence of a soul-embodied, enlightened civilization of peace. Trained as a licensed psychotherapist and massage therapist and ministering to those who come into her presence as a reverend, Ilona addresses the entire auric field to promote personal fulfillment. She is the author of Realizing an Enlightened Civilization of Peace and has been published in the Sedona Journal of Emergence. To learn more please visit